Telegram, the widely-used messaging platform, has introduced a controversial new feature known as 'Peer-to-Peer Login,' sparking significant debate.
Telegram, the widely-used messaging platform, has introduced a controversial new feature known as ‘Peer-to-Peer Login,’ sparking significant debate.
This feature, discovered initially in a Telegram channel and shared via AssembleDebug on X, is gradually being rolled out to Android users in specific regions. It offers users a complimentary premium membership in exchange for allowing their phone numbers to be used as one-time password (OTP) relays for other users.
Those who agree to this arrangement will receive a Telegram Premium code, but the service imposes a monthly limit of 150 OTP messages.
While the offer may seem attractive, there are potential downsides. Users might incur charges for local and international SMS usage, and they must meet certain criteria to qualify for the free subscription. Consequently, users could end up paying more through their phone bills than the value of the Telegram premium membership.
Privacy is a major concern. This feature exposes users’ phone numbers to strangers, potentially leading to spam and fraud. Despite Telegram offering an option to hide phone numbers from unknown contacts, using one’s number as a relay could compromise their Telegram account.
Telegram’s terms of service for the “Peer-to-Peer Login” program absolve the company of liability and grant it complete indemnity from any claims arising from incidents related to peer-to-peer login. While users are advised against interacting with individuals who receive OTP codes from their number, there are inadequate enforcement mechanisms.
Users who opt into this system must carefully consider the trade-off of sharing their phone numbers with strangers for potential benefits.
Although a free premium membership may be tempting, users should weigh the privacy risks and financial implications before participating in Telegram’s “Peer-to-Peer Login” program.